
New article published in Glossa

New article on linearisation in German by LDSL members Simon Masloch, Johanna M. Poppek and Tibor Kiss: "Not so peculiar after all: On the normal position of arguments of German experiencer-object verbs". For the full paper, visit glossa-journal.org/article/id/10150


Registration open for SS24 courses

Important: The registration for courses will end on April, 1.
Find more information here: ldsl.rub.de/study-linguistic-data-science


LDSL presents at ICAART 2024

The paper by Maurice Langner and Ralf Klabunde "Spread and (Mis)use of Evaluative Expressions in Human Written and LLM-based Generated Text" has been accepted for the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024). For more information about the conference, see: https://icaart.scitevents.org/Home.aspx


LDSL will present at DGfS 2024

Our submission “An integrative constraint-based account of constituent linearisation in the German midfield” has been accepted as a talk at the 46th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (February 28 to March 01, 2024, Ruhr-University Bochum).
Alicia Katharina Börner, Simon Masloch and Tibor Kiss will present empirical evidence for word order phenomena in German at the workshop AG8 “Constraining Linearization” (https://sites.google.com/view/dgfs2024-ag8).



LDSL will present at CSSP in Paris (December 7–9)
The submission ‘These Rumours About Psych Verbs Worry Us More Than Anything Else: On the (Im-)possibility of Reflexive Binding Into the Subject of German Experiencer-Object Verbs’ by Simon Masloch, Johanna M. Poppek and Tibor Kiss has been accepted for an oral presentation. For information on the conference, visit cssp-2023.llf-paris.fr


Paper at INLG 2023 accepted

The paper by Maurice Langner and Ralf Klabunde "Validating Predictive Models Of Evaluative Language For Controllable Data2Text Generation" has been accepted for the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG 2023).
For more information, see:


Paper accepted by LDSL student Jakob Schuster

“Nut cracking Sledgehammers: Prioritizing Target Language Data over Bigger Language Models for Cross Lingual Metaphor Detection” was accepted at the “Learning with Small Data 2023" conference and is bound to be presented in Gothenburg in September.


2nd edition of Linguistics textbook now available

The second edition of the Introduction to Linguistics "Linguistik. Eine Einführung (nicht nur) für germanisten, Romanisten und Anglisten", edited by Ralf Klabunde and Wiltrud Mihatsch, is now available.
The book comprises 11 chapters, providing an overview of almost every subfield of Linguistics.

For more information, see: here


LDSL co-organizes Sinn und Bedeutung 28

Sinn und Bedeutung 28 will take place at Ruhr-University Bochum and will be co-organized by the LDSL. For further information, please have a look at: SUB28


New article on linearisation in German by LDSL members Simon Masloch, Johanna M. Poppek and Tibor Kiss: "Not so peculiar after all"

New article on linearisation in German by LDSL members Simon Masloch, Johanna M. Poppek and Tibor Kiss: "Not so peculiar after all: On the normal position of arguments of German experiencer-object verbs". For the full paper, visit LingBuzz


Publication Milestone

Today, the STM-SUBJ team realised with amazement that our SLLDS publication 'Syntactic Pattern Distribution Analysis of Experiencer-Object Psych Verbs – An Annotation Manual' made it into the Top10 of LingBuzz (both recent and last six months) with over 4.000 downloads! Also, our new paper on linearisation preferences of German EO verbs is coming soon!


New Publication by LDSL members

New Publication by LDSL members Johanna M. Poppek, Simon Masloch and Tibor Kiss: A Corpus-based Perspective on ‘Split Stimuli’ in German! For the full paper, visit LingBuzz


Module Manual and Examination Regulations - Translations

The translations of these documents are now online. For any formal document, the German version is the underlying legal document while the English translations are a service for our students and interested students.
formal documents


Prüfungsordnung is online

The Prüfungsordnung (Examination Regulations) for our Program "Linguistic Data Science" (M.A.) are now online in their official version:



Teaching for WiSe 22/23

Information for the next semester, Winter Semester 2022/2023, is now online. You can find information on courses to take in your first or third semester. The overview in pdf form can be found here.
Remember that you can have a different schedule for yourself - if you have questions about this, contact the advisory office!

Teaching WiSe 22/23


LDS accredited

The accreditation process for our program Linguistic Data Science (M.A.) is finished and we are in the last steps of finalizing all accompanying documents. We are looking forward to handing their degree and diploma supplement to our first alumni in about one year.

On the program


Application for LDS WiSe 22/23 closed for International applicants

Applications for the winter semester 22/23 are closed for international applicants, but "Bildungsinländer" can still apply as described on our website.

Note that early application helps with the quick processing of that application, which will give you secure knowledge of this option - you can still decide if you want to enroll after you have been accepted.

Info on Application


Application for LDS WS 22/23 has started

From now on you can apply for the winter semester 22/23 to be a student of Linguistic Data Science.

The process differs a bit depending on where you got your Bachelor's degree, but you can find all information on our homepage:

Apply for LDS


New publication by LDSL member Halima Husic and Agata Renans

Unlike German or English, in Bosnian language the direct object of transitive verbs can appear in the accusative and the genitive case. Studying the selectional restrictions of this alternation, LDSL member Halima Husic and her colleague Agata Renans from the Linguistics Department at RUB have conducted a field research with native speakers of Bosnian and learned about the semantic contribution of these cases: the accusative conveys maximality and weak familiarity, while the genitive conveys partivity. The authors propose that the partitive genitive in BCS presupposes proper partitivity and that the inferences of the accusative arise as implicated anti-presuppositions yielded by the competition with the partitive genitive.

You can find the article in

Glossa Journal


A second presentation from LDSL at Grammar and Corpora in Ghent, 30 June – 2 July 2022

LDSL will present at Grammar and Corpora in Ghent, 30 June – 2 July 2022.
Our submission ''Mining accordance and information source PPs of German 'nach'" (Halima Husić & Claudia Roch) about an annotation mining study for discriminating manner adverbials and reportative evidentials has been accepted for presentation. For further information visit the conference website


LDSL will present at LREC 2022 in Marseille (June 21-23)

Our submission 'GerEO: A Large-Scale Resource on the Syntactic Distribution of German Experiencer-Object Verbs' (Johanna M. Poppek, Simon Masloch & Tibor Kiss, available via LDSL's Github will be presented at the poster session. For further information on the conference, visit LREC 2022


LDSL will present at the AAMFI2022

Our submission “Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers” (Tibor Kiss, Jutta Pieper & Alicia Katharina Börner) about empirical evidence on the influence of extrinsic properties on serialization constraints on event-internal adverbials has been accepted as a talk at the conference Adverbs and adverbials at the form-meaning interface: diachronic and synchronic perspectives (AAMFI2022) hosted by Georg-August-University of Göttingen. The conference will take place on 18-20 May 2022, further information is given on the conference website https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/conference/655119.html.
For further information on our research project, visit the project page


LDSL will present at Grammar and Corpora in Ghent, 30 June – 2 July 2022.

Our submission ‘A Corpus-based Perspective on “Split Stimuli” in German’ (Johanna M. Poppek, Simon Masloch and Tibor Kiss) about so-called split stimuli with experiencer-object verbs in German has been accepted for presentation. It is based on GerEO, our database containing syntactic and semantic annotations for German experiencer-object verbs (see https://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/006368). For further information on the conference visit their homepage


Reminder: LDSL will present at SyntaxFest (online!) on 23 March 2022

Our talk ‘A Quantitative Approach towards German Experiencer-Object Verbs’ (Johanna M. Poppek, Simon Masloch, Amelie Robrecht and Tibor Kiss) will be about the syntactic distribution of experiencer-object verbs. The paper has already been published: https://aclanthology.org/2021.quasy-1.8/ For further information on the conference visit


LDSL will present at the WAASAP 10th Anniversary

Our submission “On the position of event-internal modifiers in German clause structure” (Tibor Kiss, Jutta Pieper & Alicia Katharina Börner) about empirical evidence on the influence of extrinsic properties on serialization constraints on comitatives and instrumentals as representatives of the class of event-internal adverbials has been accepted for oral presentation at WAASAP (Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adjectives/Adverbs and Participles/Prepositions) 10th Anniversary Conference hosted by the Centre for Research & Enterprise in Language at the University of Greenwich. The conference will take place on 16 & 17 June 2022, further information is given on the conference website https://www.gre.ac.uk/research/activity/las/waasap-10th-anniversary.
For further information on our research project, visit the project page


New research paper by Jutta Piper, Alicia Katharina Börner & Tibor Kiss: Identifying non-cooperative participation in web-based elicitation of Acceptability Judgments – How to get rid of noise in your data

We discuss different sources of noise or other detrimental effects in the web-based elicitation of experimental data in linguistic research. Focusing on Acceptability Judgment Tasks, we propose a stepwise procedure to gain high-quality data in which control by questionnaire design employing different groups of control and attention trials is combined with control by platform choice, and response- and latency-based methods of analysis.

See Lingbuzz


New research paper by Tibor Kiss, Jutta Pieper, and Alicia Katharina Börner: Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers.

We present our recent analysis on the serialization of event-internal modifers (comitatives, instrumentals) at: lingbuzz


LDSL will present at SyntaxFest21 in Sofia March 2022

Our submission "A Quantitative Approach towards German Experiencer-Object Verbs"
(Johanna M. Poppek, Simon Masloch, Amelie Robrecht, and Tibor Kiss) about the distribution of purported experiencer-object verbs has been accepted for presentation at SyntaxFest21. For further information on the conference visit syntaxfest.github.io. For further information on our research project, visit


LDSL will present at the 15th Forum for Germanic Language

Our submission “Two misbehaving German dative experiencer-object verbs” (Simon Masloch, Johanna M. Poppek and Tibor Kiss) about unexpected syntactic behaviour of the verbs schmeicheln ‘to flatter’ and imponieren ‘to impress’ has been accepted at the 15th Forum for Germanic Language Studies conference, which is hosted by the University of Reading and will be held online on 6–7 January 2022. For further information on the conference visit sites.google.com/view/fgls1994/events/upcoming-events. For further information on our research project, visit STM_SUBJ


Application for LDS - Deadlines

Some inforrmation on deadlines for the application for our Master's program can now be found here. If you are interested in applying, note that your deadline might be the 31st July or 1st September.

Find out more


Halima Husic and Claudia Roch will be presenting at CARLA 2021 in Bolzano

We are happy to inform you that our members Halima Husic and Claudia Roch will participate in the CARLA 2021 workshop "Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning and Application' and present their poster on conceptual variation of German nach. For more information visit the CARLA 2021 website Website


Information on new Master's program

New and more comprehensive information on our new Master's program "Linguistic Data Science" can be found on our website.


Please note that some documents for the program - especially the "Modulhandbuch" and "Prüfungsordnung" guiding the course of studies - are currently not ready for publication. You can however check the information on our website:

Study LDS


Now out: "Things and Stuff. The Semantics of Count-and-Mass Distinction"

We are delighted to announce the publication of “Things and Stuff. The Semantics of the Count-Mass Distinction” edited by our members and associates, Tibor Kiss, Francis Jeffry Pelletier and Halima Husić. The volume consists of papers on theoretical and empirical issues relating to the count/mass distinction across languages.

Learn more


Master's Program Linguistic Data Science to start in Winter term

We are very excited to announce that this winter semester our new two year Master program Linguistic Data Science will start.

Formal documents are currently under revision, but next week general information and especially the self assessment necessary for your application will go online. We will also inform about this step (and the start for applications) here.

These requirements are preliminary information, please refrain from detailed questions until there are news:

There is no need to worry: The deadline for your application will be in July for international applications and October for those who have received their B.A. or B.Sc. in Germany or live in Germany.


German Federal Health Minister acknowledges relevance of prepositions

In a recent press statement, German Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has stressed the role of prepositions: "Nicht ab Juni, im Juni, nicht ab 1. Juni, im Verlauf des Junis - Präpositionen sind wichtig!" [Not from June on, in June, not as of June 1st, sometime in June - Prepositions are important!]

Given this emphasis on prepositions we are looking forward to more interest in one of our core areas of research - we recommend Kiss et al 2020 as a first introduction.


Review of Winterschool: Learn about Linguistic Data Science

During the winter term, LDSL has offered courses and workshops in our Winter School Learn about Linguistic Data Science. Three online courses were taught during the semester; two online workshops followed at the beginning of the term holidays.

Find out more


DFG approves funding for a second period of Exprep (KI-759/8)

We are happy to announce that the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) has decided to extend the funding for our research project “Position and Interpretation of adverbials in German clause structure” (Exprep, KI-759/8).
The second phase will broaden the scope of the investigation by including more adverbial forms as well as adverbial types, and by systematically probing the results of the first project phase, and in particular investigate the hitherto neglected interplay of adverbial-specific with general conditions on word order.
For more information see Exprep, KI-759/8.


Qualification tasks for workshops have been sent out

Today, emails with the qualification tasks for the winterschool's workshops have been sent out. We are looking forward to your solutions! If you have registered but not received an email, please send us a message.


SLLDS 2: Bestimmung und Annotation von Präpositionsbedeutungen

You can now download the second volume of Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science:
"Bestimmung und Annotation von Präpositionsbedeutungen"
by Tibor Kiss, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld, Alicia Katharina Börner & Monika Duzy. In addition, you can also request the resource PrepSensNZZ acompanying this publication here.
SLLDS Volume 2


Winter School 2020/2021 started

Our winter school "Learn about Linguistic Data Science" has started and we are currently working with over 40 students in our online courses.

We are looking forward to more participants in our workshops in February.
The Workshops


SLLDS 1: On Abstract Nouns and Countability

You can now download the first volume of Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science: Halima Husić's dissertation "On Abstract nouns and Countability" here:
SLLDS Volume 1


Registration for winter school is now open

Registration for the online courses is open from today. The last day to register is October, 15th, 2020.
Registration for the workshops will be independent and begin November 16th, 2020.

Find out more


INLG 2020: Discourse models for text planning

At INLG 2020, there will be a workshop organized by Dr. Christoph Hesse (ZAS Berlin), Maurice Langner (RUB) and Prof. Dr. Ralf Klabunde (associated member at LDSL) regarding Discourse models for text planning.
INLG 2020


Announcement: Winter School 2020/2021

Due to the current situation, we invite you to a slightly different "summer school" during WiSe 20/21: take part from any place in the world and join our classes during the semester. And, if the situation allows, take part in our workshops at RUB.
Winter School